Laura Meihofer


Why did you choose to work on your mindset?
I first started because I was struggling with the direction I should take in life. I was in a career that I liked but working for a company that was exploiting me. My mental health was suffering and fear/anxiety paralyzed and clouded my judgment of what I should do.

Why did you choose to work with Maggie specifically?
Over the course of a year or more someone, I trusted spoke about her experience with Maggie. Maggie had helped her through the years to take charge of her life. I checked in on Maggie's website over the course of the year. Finally, when my life became so painful I reached out because hypnotherapy is evidence-based which is a huge selling point for me as a medical professional.

Did you have any reservations about working on your mindset?
I have reservations about working with new people. I have undergone a lot of counseling. It is hard to put yourself out there and get rejected or worse get guidance that hurts instead of helps. So I was more worried about not getting the help I needed.

What are the three biggest things/ ideas/ situations that have changed for you since working with Maggie?
1. Knowing my self-worth (this helps me make clearer choices on what is crossing a boundary and what is not)
2. Getting clear about my business (this helps me save money in the long run because I am focused on what actually brings me joy and will benefit my community)
3. Listening to my intuition (this is still a work in progress. But at least I can know I can hear her!)

In your opinion, who can benefit from this work?
Everyone... in all seriousness, I think this work is great for people who want to make a shift in how their brain processes and programs itself. It is for people who are motivated to make a real change in their life and get to the person they have always been meant to be. I don't want to be a victim of my past anymore. I don't want to repeat what was done to me. So if you are someone who is struggling or wants to do life differently, start here!

How do you think your life would be/ feel right now if you had never done this work?
I think it would be miserable. I would be at a company that was bullying, exploiting, and abusing me. I would be hanging on by a thread or I would have needed to go to an inpatient center for mental health. Life was looking very bleak when Maggie came into my life.

In your opinion, are the outcomes worth the investment in time and money? Why?
Yes, I think the time and money investment is worth it. The time investment is SUPER easy. Since it is on the phone you can do it anywhere. I have pulled over into a parking lot and done a session with Maggie. By working with her I am saving time because if I had to go to an office it would be a 2+ hour event. This is just one simple easy hour. The money I am investing really is making positive effects in every aspect of my life. So while it might seem like a lot it really isn't because she is focusing on my career, relationships with myself and others, health and the list goes on and on. So if you take the cost of the session and take all the hours between the times I see her and divide out the money it isn't that much

Would you recommend working with Maggie to a friend?
10 out of 10!!

Maggie Saunders